Leif Morton


Building a web application from scratch as the founding product designer at Josie, an AI-powered career development platform.
Redesigning key site pages with a focus on boosting engagement for the e-commerce brand, Rotate Watches.
Designing an MVP mobile application to help readers discover books they'll love.
Creating an initial proof-of-concept prototype for the hypothetical mobile app, Gallery Pal, within a one-week sprint.
Designing a Brand Image/Logo/Style Guide, Product Detail Page, Comparison Feature, and Guest Checkout Flow for the hypothetical e-commerce brand, Munari Cycles.
Optimizing the desktop and mobile web experience for VMP, an online record store and Record of the Month Club.
UX Case Study | 2023

About the project

I joined the Josie team in September 2021, shortly after they received an initial round of seed funding to conceptualize, test, and validate their proposed MVP– an AI-powered career coaching tool that leverages self-assessments to help users find satisfaction at whatever career stage they're in.
As the founding Product Designer, I was given an integral role in taking Josie from a loose string of ideas to a cohesive, live product with tested results.


Joining the Josie team at the ground level, I've been responsible for conceptualizing the product (conducting generative interviews and research around the problem space), establishing the brand (developing a design system and content strategy), and executing a successful MVP (everything from early sketches to dev hand-offs).

Within a year, our team was able to secure a second-round of funding and achieve 21% compound monthly growth, an average visit duration of over 20 minutes (for logged-in users), and a 60% completion rate for our career test (a long-format composite assessment that analyzes a user's experience, personality, and work culture values).

Carving out a space

My first few months working on Josie involved a lot of interviewing and competitive research to understand the problem space and find where our proprietary technology could be applied effectively.

The result of this process was identifying 3 target Personas and deciding upon our value proposition– "Design your own career path", which epitomized our vision of applying design thinking to the discipline of career guidance.

The josie method

Taking inspiration from established career coaching frameworks, we developed a linear process (our "Josie Method") to help users successfully design their own career path.

1.) Understand Yourself

2.) Explore Your Options

3.) Follow Your Path

1.) Understand yourself

To lay the foundation for a user's career journey, we designed our comprehensive "Josie360" test, which includes a personality assessment, work values assessment, and a one-click LinkedIn profile sync.

The results of this test provide users with tools that increase self-awareness and provide a benchmark to gauge professional standing.

2.) Explore your options

Career Jumpers and Pivoters alike have the option to explore career paths based on a combination of their skills, experience, education, and personality.

All users are then prompted to define their Career Vision – a north star that helps fuel and steer future career success.

3.) Follow Your Path

When ready, users can browse a list of jobs curated just for them. Far from a typical job list, each job includes unique insights (such as the user's Skill Overlap) and AI-powered tools like Resume, Cover Letter, and Interview Guide generators.

Josie360TM Test
Josie360TM Results (Part 1)
Josie360TM Results (Part 2)
Josie360TM Results (Desktop)
Explore Your Options
Follow Your Path
Josie Premium